



TeachFX's mission is to promote more meaningful and equitable classroom dialogue by superpowering teachers’ work — using technology to provide educators with regular, automated feedback on their practice.

About TeachFX

TeachFX is an app for teachers that uses voice AI to measure the student engagement, the equity of voice, and the discourse patterns in a teacher’s virtual or in-person classroom. Like an instructional coach, the app provides teachers with targeted pedagogical feedback on their teaching practice. Three main insights guide our work:

  1. STUDENT VOICE. The research is unequivocal: Students need to speak in order to learn (Holthuis et al., 2014). Whether a teacher is working on a high-leverage teaching practice like asking open-ended questions or using think time, or is implementing a new curriculum, the goal is to get students more engaged, and we believe it is essential to measure that.
  2. EQUITY. Teachers currently talk 70-80% of class time rather than allowing students to lead their own learning (Hattie, 2012). This imbalance is especially harmful for special populations — Title I students, English learners, and students with disabilities benefit the most from speaking in class but get far fewer opportunities to do so than their peers (Ho, 2005).
  3. FEEDBACK. In order to improve, teachers need frequent feedback (Brazer, 2018). Yet teachers rarely receive authentic feedback from their administrators. TeachFX empowers teachers with on-demand feedback whenever they want it.

To use TeachFX, a teacher simply presses one button on their smartphone, laptop, or tablet. The app does all the analysis automatically. In virtual classrooms, TeachFX also integrates with Zoom, Teams, and other video conferencing platforms for a completely seamless user experience.

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