Magic School



More than four in ten K-12 teachers in the U.S. (44%) say they "always" or "very often" feel burnt out at work—outpacing all other industries nationally. (Gallup)

At the core of teaching is interacting with a child to help them grow—a deeply human, demanding, and complex responsibility. But today, teaching requires an unreasonable amount of work behind the scenes, much of it repetitive and tedious.

‍We are a team of lifelong teachers and principals. We’ve not only taught in classrooms, we’ve also spent countless hours doing behind-the-scenes work for our students, like adapting texts to different levels, writing exemplars, and emailing families. We know firsthand just how much work teachers do outside the classroom in an effort to make our time in front of students count.

That’s why we created We’re here to help lighten the load, so teachers can save their energy for where they shine best—in the classroom, in front of students.

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